NASync at Home

Comprehensive, powerful way to store, catalog and protect your family's happiest moments.

A Digital Playground for the Family

Large Personal Storage

Up to 96TB* of storage space to store and back-up photos, videos, and files anytime, anywhere.

Expandable Memory
Sync and Backup across Multiple Devices
Remote Access

*Maximum Capacity of NASync DXP4800 Series. Hard drives are not included in the delivery.

Share & Transfer: Access at Your Fingertips

Share files or upload videos with friends and family with ease, without signing up for extra accounts.

Easy File Sharing via Link
Various Transfer Protocols
Access Permission Management

Immersive Audio-Visual Experience

A private multimedia platform to enjoy movies, music, photos and multimedia entertainment together!

Movie Poster Wall
Smart Album Categorization
HDMI Video Output
Sync & Backup
Storage Manager
Security Manager
Text Editor
Multi-terminal Compatibility

*Online Document, Netdisk Tools & Audiobooks features to be added soon.

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